

There is a brief period in June when the morning sun ricochets off of our neighbor’s skylight and onto the wall behind the stove. We’re moving this fall, so we won’t see this light again next year.


Across the kitchen hangs this year’s linden flower harvest. Just a small one- I missed the peak. Before we move I’ll snip the flower heads and mix them with dried peppermint, lemon balm and calendula petals for tea.


I found a juneberry motherlode walking home from the mechanic. The tree was so fruit-laden that the robins barely gave me the time of day as I filled my water bottle from the lower branches.


Our first June visiting this cottonwood tree that we got to know last summer. It felt so good to nap in the dappled shade while the lake rearranged stones a few feet from our heads.


A finished quilt and an accidental portrait of my sweetheart and me! Happy June fam.

Grace Rother